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For over 30 years, WDI has been accelerating
organization’s digital transformation with our
cutting edge products and services
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WEB 3.0 Foundation

Products to help create a WEB 3.0 foundation

Self-Sovereign Digital Credentials and Initiatives Wallet

Payments and Financial Wallet

  • Payments Network
  • Initiative Creation Backoffice Platform
  • Core Banking System
  • WalletON POS, WalletOnBiz, WalletOn Gateway, WalletOn Merchant, WalletOn Global GiftCards


What are REM Initiatives?

  • Ideas

  • Challenges

    Conecting funding sources to new challenges

  • Jobs

    Connecting local workforce with job opportunities

  • NTF Marketplace

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  • Community Workplace

    Voting and polling for local and community elections

  • Scholarships and Educations

    Connecting students with potential scholarship opportunities Evening Courses, Online Courses

  • Public Health Reports

    COVID-19 Contacttracing, local health reports, and more

Contact Us

Who we are? Our team

Oscar Bazoberry

CEO President

Jaime Centellas


Jaime Centellas

Click Here

© 2022 All Rights Reserved.

World Data Inc.

WDI’s goal is to help customers migrate to Web3’s Decentralized operation. 

Contact Us

For any inquiries please email

Our Team

Call to Action

Transform your WordPress sites into an expressive professional looking website.


Bring Innovation to Your Company

Let’s start the journey towards success and enhance revenue for your business.  Take your company to the next level.

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Adjusting full image box with important details using this team template. Highlighting the image box that you have selected, you can change it in many ways.